Screen Layouts

The 121 operations screen features user friendly, clear comprehensive display with many user customisable features

Each of the double line bars may be dragged to adjust the size of the associated panel and the theme may be changed to provide a different presentation according to taste. Several themes are provided and three of these are shown on this page, a PDF file with screen samples of all available themes is included in the download. The second image on this page also shows the term font customisation feature.

While the theme and font customisations will simply be cosmetic features for many users this capability covers an important responsibility to go some way to addressing the needs of users who may have vision issue requirements needing special color or size adjustments.

21 features single click easy navigation and full featured thesaurus, classification and, optionally for RM requirements, retention and disposal management. 121 also includes a drag & drop feature, called Hierarchy Builder, to copy entire hierarchies within the structure. These may also be dragged from an external Access 121 database so additional items may be prepared off-line and included in the master structure as and when required. The drag & drop also includes classification numbering when used for HP Trim/HP RM8 Classification structures.

Image Link

These screens only provide an overview of what is available within 12so we suggest you download a demonstration kit , from the Download button, to see how easy it is to use and discover the many benefits it can provide for your organisation.

Lavender Classico

The screen below shows one of the selectable themes and also demonstrates that the term font for level 1 has been set to display larger and italicised. Fonts for other levels may also be adjusted as required. These font settings are separate to the theme layout and therefore may be adjusted as required.

Smokey Quartz Kamri

Another of the theme layouts, Metropolis UI Blue. The term fonts have been reset, by simple menu click actions, to the default settings.

Metropolis UI Blue Theme